living room

Minimalism: The Key to a Clutter-Free Home

Fresh, simple, and bright are key characteristics of the farmhouse style, and they’re also key to keeping a clutter-free home. Today, I will give you some tips for designing your home in a timeless, minimalist style focusing on crafting clean lines to achieve a clutter-free home with a farmhouse twist.


Family room – heart of the clutter-free home

antique dresser

When we spend a lot of time in a room like the family room, it can be difficult to keep it free of clutter! In ours, for example, it can be hard to corral the blankets the kids pull out to snuggle in and watch TV. We use a gorgeous antique cedar chest as our coffee table to keep all the blankets stored away neatly when the kids aren’t using them. We also incorporated some shelves, which provide space for displaying trinkets and found objects and keep clutter to a minimum.

Even though renovating and decorating can feel overwhelming, keeping your design simple and clutter-free is not as difficult as you might think. Use textures and gentle neutrals to get an inviting and comfortable feel in your family room. Stay far away from theme-based designs (like seashells or pineapples, etc.) and focus instead on texture, pattern, and color. Use framed pictures and pillows, a throw blanket, and a rug in subtle tones. And keep trinkets on surfaces to a bare minimum.

Children’s rooms

When my children were younger, my favorite areas of the house to decorate were their bedrooms (now, I’m lucky if they let me into their bedrooms – haha). I kept their walls a soft neutral shade and brought in color with pillows and lighting. This kept the background quiet and soothing because every day, the mess of toys and other childhood accouterments sometimes took over the room. I made sure there was “clean up clean up” at the end of the day in which all toys and other items are hidden behind closed doors in the cabinets and closet, and only a few special things remain on display.


Keep the kitchen clutter-free by using light colors. In contrast to the warmer tones of tile or hardwood flooring, white cabinets and bar chairs provide a bright base.

To avoid kitchen chaos (and maximize workspace), keep small appliances off your countertops. When not in use, keep the instant pot and toaster in the cabinets to maintain a clean and organized look. Clutter can build up fast on kitchen countertops, so making sure everything has a storage spot will help keep the countertops cleared off and clutter-free.

A clutter-free dining area

Our dining rooms are seeing a lot of action these days, as they serve as both a workspace and a place to eat. With more and more people spending more time at home, a modern dining space that is organized and clutter-free is essential.

In keeping with the “less is more” maxim, your minimalist dining area should feature the right foundation pieces and be clutter-free. Additionally, fewer furnishings create more walk-around room and are easier to clean and maintain.

For a minimalist look, a neutral color palette is essential. To achieve a minimalist dining room, choose crisp neutrals, such as ivory, charcoal, and light wood tones, or a monochrome palette of black and white. By limiting the use of color, the furniture’s shape can speak for itself.

A cozy minimalist bedroom

Again, the key to minimalism is keeping the walls a neutral shade – and this is especially true in the bedroom. Soft colors contribute to a good night’s sleep. In addition, while traditional design always involves competing elements, minimalist design aims to have just one visual focal point per room. Everything else should complement the focal point. In our bedroom, the focal point is our bed. In your bedroom, it could be your gorgeous headboard. In my daughter’s bedroom, it’s her glass chandelier.

Minimalist design is characterized by breathability and walkability. There should be enough room to move around without taking winding paths through furniture. It doesn’t matter how small or large the space is, you want to be able to move around. It is one of the hallmark characteristics of a minimalist home. The bedroom doesn’t need umpteen pieces of furniture – a dresser or armoire, a bed, and maybe a couple of side tables, and call it good!

Minimalist design isn’t for everyone. It’s certainly something to consider if you’re looking for less stress and better focus through visual simplicity. Follow the principles outlined above to create a beautiful, simple, clutter-free home.

3 thoughts on “Minimalism: The Key to a Clutter-Free Home”

  1. I don’t think minimalist means that you have to stick to colors black, grey, white, cream. I’ve seen beautiful minimalistic rooms using shades of light blue, earth tones. I’ve found this whole grey color trend quite cold stark, unattractive and limiting. Years from now when someone looks at a kitchen or other room with grey color scheme they can definitely pinpoint the time period that it was done – it will not be timeless.

    1. I absolutely agree! Minimalism is deeper than sticking to a neutral color palette. It can be cool, but warm tones can still be minimal too. It’s nice to see grey heading out the door for more variety & warmth. Have a wonderful week!

  2. Every day I think of more ways to de-clutter as seasons and holidays change. I have been giving things I no longer use to friends and family first. I make my decisions around does this item have a “home”. It becomes easier to clear off the surfaces if we know where it goes.

    I like the idea that this is a process rather than it needs to be done quickly. Thanks for your information. Ann

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