Tips for Creating a Cheerful Home – from paint colors to lighting tricks

Creating a cheerful home can significantly affect your mood. The paint color, wood style, flooring, and decor you choose can either lift you or bring you down. If you can determine the colors and decor that make you happy, you’ll be able to create a home that you enjoy living in.

One of the easiest ways to make your home happy-proof is to choose the right colors. The right colors can change the way we feel and enhance our emotions. What is the best color to boost your mood? Let’s take a quick look at the psychology behind colors.


Black: It makes a statement. However, it should be used sparingly as it can make us feel sad.

White: Clean and crisp; white is great for making smaller spaces appear more prominent.

Gray: Bathrooms and bedrooms benefit from grey’s soothing effects.


Blue: Fresh and calm, perfect for kitchens and bathrooms.

Purple: Evokes feelings of sophistication and luxury, perfect for bedrooms.

Brown: A neutral and natural color best suited to hallways and dining rooms.

Green: A calming and fresh color, perfect for living rooms and kitchens.


Creating a Cheerful Home Using Color

Marie Kondo’s message regarding de-cluttering is well known: keep only the things that spark joy, and get rid of anything that doesn’t. 

But it’s not just physical clutter that adds to stress – a cluttered color scheme can do the same thing. Let’s rethink how you can make your rooms feel calmer with clever color tricks. 

You may want to consider rethinking the color scheme of your walls – using color therapy tips from above – or simply swapping out the cushions, throws, or pieces of furniture that make your decor feel color-cluttered. You will find that your rooms will feel more spacious and restful if you do this. You can also improve your well-being by strategically hanging mirrors in your rooms to reflect off the paint colors on your walls.

Bring the Outside Inside

A great way to make yourself feel happy at home is to bring the outside in. By keeping your blinds and curtains open, you can let natural light into your home. If you’re still working from home (which many of us are!), putting your home office in a room with a garden view will help you be more productive. 

Place houseplants around the house to the air, improve concentration, and reduce anxiety. And bring in fresh flowers regularly to add a cheery flair! You might even have some daffodils or tulips growing in your own farmhouse yard right now. Go outside and pick a couple of bouquets, pop them in some pretty vases and place them around your home!

It’s All About the Lighting

Moods are influenced by lighting, with dim lighting making us feel sleepy and unproductive, and bright, natural lighting increasing focus and productivity. Low levels of natural light can lower moods, so try to increase natural light as much as possible in your home. This might include adding windows, skylights, or even just pulling back drapes and opening blinds.

Design Your Rooms Using Feng Shui Principles

You cannot ignore the fact that the layout of your room matters. The Feng Shui theory states that a lousy room layout leads to negative energy. Test out Feng Shui principles in your bedroom to see whether you feel different or sleep better. You don’t need to be an expert in energy to know that an interior’s layout impacts your quality of life. A practical layout will make living in your house more enjoyable. An unorganized, cluttered room will only frustrate you. You can create a happier home by planning your rooms appropriately. If you want to create an inviting home, arrange your furniture to encourage conversation.

Personalize It (And Treat Yourself!)

Fill your home with things that make you happy. Stocking up on pictures of family and friends will instantly lift your spirits when you are away from them.

Put fresh flowers, books, ceramics, pretty pots, and any of your treasured items on display for an instant pick-me-up.

As you dust off the winter and spring clean your home, it’s a perfect time to treat yourself to something you’ve had your eye on: a new rug, a new sofa, or even just a new pretty interior design book! Choose something that will help you in creating a cheerful home.

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