snake plant

The 12 Best Houseplants for Non-Green Thumbs

Are you searching for the best houseplants for a non-green thumbs farmhouse? Well, if you’ve loved houseplants for years or just recently got in on the trend, you already know that plants make any room feel cozier and more welcoming. Plants need not be exotic to be beautiful, that’s for sure! I’ve surrounded myself with plants for years! And most of my plants are the very-easy-to care-for variety.

Many common houseplants are so popular (and have been for decades!) because they’re easy to grow, affordable, and require little-to-no care. It’s always fun to add to your collection as new types of houseplants are introduced. But, old favorites have held up over the years because they’re sturdy and reliable. These common houseplants can be found just about anywhere, from big-box retailers to grocery stores.

Let’s dive in and look at some of my favorite easy-to-care-for houseplants!


Best Houseplants for the Non-Green Thumb

plant on shelf with other knick knacks

Pothos – This attractive vining plant has long been the king of houseplants. The pothos plant prefers medium light and dries out between waterings.

Snake Pant – It’s no wonder snake plants (also known as mother-in-law’s-tongue) have been popular for so long: They’re almost impossible to kill and they don’t mind if you forget to water them (honestly, I hardly ever water mine!) Several inches to a few feet tall, they have a striking architectural form. Provide medium to bright light, though they will tolerate low light. Check about every ten days since they only need watering when mostly dry.

Monstera – Known as Swiss cheese plant due to the many holes in its leaves, this dramatic-looking plant does best in moderate to bright light. Many different types of Monstera plants have the same name, but one of the more common is Monstera deliciosa. Water when the top inch or two feels dry.

Aloe Vera – Despite its popularity as a houseplant in colder regions of the country, aloe vera is a common landscape plant in warm climates. To aid in healing minor burns, break off a leaf, and smear it on the affected area. Expose it to bright light and water only after it has dried out.

Slightly More Exotic But Still Easy-to-Care-For Houseplants

Moth Orchid – Although it looks exotic, this orchid is a reliable bloomer given the right conditions. Place it in bright, indirect light (not direct sunlight). Let it dry completely. Orchid fertilizer may be necessary to help it flower next year.

Peace Lily – Peace Lilies have glossy leaves and pretty white flowers in a spoon-like shape. They tolerate low light but do best in medium to bright light. Make sure the soil is evenly moist.

Senecio – Succulents of all kinds have been trendy in recent years, but these are a must-have because of their exquisite forms: a string of pearls looks like a beaded necklace. You should let them become mostly dry between waterings and give them bright light.

Christmas Cactus plant

Christmas Cactus – Brazilian in origin, this succulent can last for decades. It is available in several pretty colors, including red, pink, lavender, peach and white. Give your Christmas cactus indirect, bright lighting. Water only when the surface feels dry, as they do not tolerate overwatering. Important to note: For the cactus to bloom near Christmas time, it needs to be placed in a cool room where temperatures will remain around 50-55°F (10-12°C), give or take a few degrees. The room should receive at least 12 hours of uninterrupted darkness as well. Be careful not to expose the plant to actual freezing temperatures.

Require a Little More Care But Are Still Do-able for the Non-Green Thumbs

Philodendron – It is impossible to go wrong with philodendrons, including upright and climbing varieties! More than 400 different species and dozens of varieties ensure that you’ll find one that thrives in your home. They prefer bright indirect light. Allow soil to dry out completely before watering.

Rubber Tree – This handsome plant’s glossy, leathery leaves have made it popular for decades. Rubber trees like bright light and they don’t like sudden temperature changes, so keep them away from drafty windows. Water them when the soil is slightly dry to the touch.

African Violet – It is best not to expose these old-fashioned favorites to direct sunlight. Water them when the surface feels dry. To prevent rot, water from the top, but avoid getting leaves wet. Alternatively, you can fill the saucer with water and let it stand for 30 minutes, then dump out the excess.

Spider plant in pink planter on table

Spider Plant – This plant will do best in bright, indirect sunlight, and will tolerate low light areas where other plants might not thrive.  Water your Spider Plant when the top 2-inches of soil are dry, and it will be perfectly happy in your home.

Here’s hoping this guide has inspired you to get your hands dirty and open your home to some easy to care for houseplants! Do you have some other plants that fit into the best houseplants for the non-green thumbs category? Share below in our comments.

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